This is NOT #Desisex official website.

I am the owner of this website and this is one of my fun project, I manage and run (with no profit) , , & just for fun.

The content and/or any information in any #Desisex chat logs are provided “AS IS” and does not represent my thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies. It is solely #Desisex users own opinions or views.

Any views or opinions represented in these chat logs are belong solely to #Desisex users/chatters. The website owner is not responsible for the content in any of these chat logs.

The owner of this webiste is not responsible for any #Desisex user's views or opinions that are intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual.

The owner of this website will neither be liable for any errors or omissions nor for the availability of (any) information provided by #Desisex users in any chat logs.

The owner of this site will not be liable for any data losses or any data, softwares, hardwares damages (or injuries) from the use of any provided information by #Desisex users in any of these chat logs.

Downloadable Files and Images:
The owner of this website is not responsible for any downloadable links/files, including (but not limited to) pdfs, docs, jpegs, pngs, gifs which are shared by IRC users in chat logs. Download any files or open any links at your own risk.

The owner of this website will not be liable for any data losses or any hardware/softwares damages resulting from a corrupted or damaged files links shared by #Desisex users in any chat logs.

The owner of this website makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information by following any links by #Desisex users on any chat logs.

This disclaimer is subject to change at anytime.