A smart search engine to lookup #Desisex user's Nicks, Idents, IPs or Hosts.

What is WebSeen Live?

Webseen Live (A Project by `010101010101) is a web search engine for #Desisex (an IRC channel at Dalnet IRC Network) that searches user's Nicks, Idents/Usernames, IPs and Hosts.
Webseen Live is equivalent to the classic !seen command, but offers fast, stable, smart, and efficient performance.

Please note:
For any bugs report, suggestions or comments please click Here to contact me.


Simplified Search:

With WebSeen Live's Incremental search and "find as you type" algorithm, your query is searched as you type, and possible matches for the Nick, Ident, IP, or host are immediately displayed.
This results in reduced typing and improved efficiency.

Say Goodbye to "*":
WebSeen Live's smart search engine eliminates the need for the "*" wildcard in query. Simply enter the Nick, Ident, IP, or Host without "*" and receive instant results.

The "Find as You Type" algorithm & the Wildcard-less queries can save your time and as a bonus it saves your keystrokes as well. :)

Expended Results:
WebSeen Live can displays up to 100 possible matches of the user's Nicks, Idents, IPs and Hosts.

Nick Tracker:
While on channel if a user change his or her nick, WebSeen Live tracks and holds the nick switching records and display in result.

Online Status:
WebSeen Live also checks a user's online status and displays user online information in the result if the user is on the channel.